Latest Update News
Hello and welcome to the latest update.
Over the past few days we’ve added a few things and made a few cosmetic changes.
Fixes and Updates:
– Champions Shield is now active for those that ended in position 1 or 2 in their Pyramid League.
– There is now a League Cup for all members of the Pyramid League.
– Added Player Tables with the ability to win rewards & badges at the end of the Pyramid season.
– Added a way of showing fixtures for Knockout Cups.
– Rejigged the design of some pages relating to League Tables and Fixtures.
– Made some minor bugfixes with dates of the new competitions.
– Adjusted layout of Clan information page.
– Cosmetic fixes and adjustments to some pages.
Known Isses:
– There are still some rare cases of captains/kick takers not staying selected for matches.
Coming Soon.
– There will be more sponsors coming soon.
– A monthly Friendly Ladder tournament.
– News about what will be happening over the Christmas Period.
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